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Happy Teahouse February 2015: A Snippet

Ryan missed out on Happy Teahouse for the first time ever because reasons. But, hey, he’s not the only one allowed to dig on carmobile things.

5Z8B4883Crews on crews on crews. Houston 86 and Houston Z’s, while always first on the scene, aren’t the only guys representing. A group of late gen civics were definitely about that squad life.

5Z8B4862Generations abound in the VAG scene.

5Z8B4869This chameleon color shift stuff is trippy and making its way onto more cars this year than I’ve ever seen before.

5Z8B4847Just like one of my Japanese Animes! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ More and more itisha has been spreading as it’s become less about Japanese car culture and Japanese Culture in general.

5Z8B4931Thanks Happy Teahouse for hosting another cool meet with NonStop Tuning, and also for this wonderful diabetes and feeding crippling Tapioca addictions.